Stay Hydrated In Summer: Expert Tips from Samantha Denichaud of Firebird Fit Performance Coaching
With summer heat at its peak, staying hydrated is more crucial than ever for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Samantha Denichaud, a certified Sports Nutritionist from Firebird Fit Performance Coaching, shares her top hydration tips to keep you performing at your best.
1. Hyper Hydrate
Prepare your body by hyper-hydrating the night before or within 40 minutes of your workout. Use high-sodium products to retain more water and stay hydrated longer.
2. Fueling
Start fueling your body 20 to 30 minutes into your workout and continue every 20 to 30 minutes thereafter. Increased fuel intake helps maintain energy levels and prevents dehydration.
Check out electrolytes and fueling options
3. Cool Down
Use ice or drink cold fluids during your workout to help lower your body temperature and keep you cool.
4. Check Sweat Loss
Monitor your sweat loss to understand your hydration needs better. Calculate it by weighing yourself before and after training and accounting for fluids taken during the session. The formula is:
Then, divide your total sweat loss by the number of training hours to find your sweat loss per hour.
5. Replenish Fluids
Drink according to a plan rather than relying on thirst cues. To prevent performance decline, aim to lose a maximum of 2% of your body weight. For each kilogram lost during training, consume 1.5 liters of fluid, ideally with food or electrolytes.
Following these tips from Samantha Denichaud and Firebird Fit Performance Coaching will help you stay hydrated and perform at your best during the hot summer months. Stay cool, stay hydrated, and enjoy your workouts!