Water Bladder Tips- How to Keep Water Cool
Nothing beats a cool & refreshing sip of water while hiking/running in blistering heat and sauna like humidity.
Here are a few quick tips to keep the water cool in the water bladder:
1. Add plenty ice cubes in the water bladder just before the activity.
2. Fill up the bladder half full, put it in freeze for over night; fill up the 2nd half before the activity. This helps to keep the water cool/cold throughout the training/hiking. Remember to wrap the bladder with a towel to keep the bag/vest dry from condensation.
3. Use insulation cover for bladder bag & tube.
4. Use an insulated water bladder, which you can get from our online store.
5. You can also use combo 1&3, or 1&4.
There, no more yucky lukewarm water in the mouth, while we sweat profusely.
Here are a few quick tips to keep the water cool in the water bladder:
1. Add plenty ice cubes in the water bladder just before the activity.
2. Fill up the bladder half full, put it in freeze for over night; fill up the 2nd half before the activity. This helps to keep the water cool/cold throughout the training/hiking. Remember to wrap the bladder with a towel to keep the bag/vest dry from condensation.
3. Use insulation cover for bladder bag & tube.
4. Use an insulated water bladder, which you can get from our online store.
5. You can also use combo 1&3, or 1&4.
There, no more yucky lukewarm water in the mouth, while we sweat profusely.